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Get Satisfaction

Creating a Community

Customer Love

Get Satisfaction is known in the industry for top-notch software servicing customer support needs for companies small and large.

Two-pronged Challenge:
Customer facing: Simply put, let’s make it easy for our customers to set up their customer community. Get Satisfaction is known in the industry for top-notch software servicing customer support needs for companies small and large. 

Internal Admin: Over the years, features, enhancements and integrations have been piling up in the admin area. This left new customers bewildered as they struggled to set up their community. Many left, opting to find an easier approach elsewhere. Before any work was to commence on designing new products at Get Satisfaction, we first needed to understand our customers needs and end-users goals and motivations.

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
-Bill Gates  


Goal & Solution:

Customer facing: Customer interviews, competitive analysis and responsive formats were created. Personas were created for each of the customer and end-user types, along with affinity diagrams and mental models – which helped to determine and prioritize future features in a responsive design format.

Internal Admin: Customer interviews, competitive analysis and card sorting sessions honed in on the three main needs of budding communities. Once determined, wireframes were built, copywriting, and design for mobile, tablet and desktop took place – easing community creation.


Research & Discovery


We first needed to understand our customers (business) needs, end-users (consumer) goals, motivation, as well as frustrations for both types of users. Customer interviews, competitive analysis and card sorting sessions honed in on the three main needs of budding communities which, in turn, helped to determine and prioritize future features in a responsive design format.

(click on the image to see details)

Iterative Ideation

Iterative Ideation

At this stage in the process, the key is to work quickly and not get attached to one design idea. Time constraints are in place to avoid getting consumed by one idea. This way, the focus is on generating many ideas, getting feedback, and producing a design that is most widely accepted by the customer.


Sketching & Wireframes

Sketching & Wireframe

Business assumptions on UI layout and structure were made based on the earlier customer interviews. Based on iterative testing, preliminary whiteboard sketches were turned into wires and validated through moderated user testing (remote and in-person). 


Key Learnings: Due diligence from the prior phases of the project served to make the application of the visual design and brand treatment easier to implement. Defining page templates and micro-interactions made provided clarity in communication for development.

Rapid Iterative Testing & Evaluation  (RITE)

After each session, notes were taken and the wireframes edited as feedback was collected and assumptions proved (and disproven).

RITE Methodology

Above: Click-Test Screen Recording


Above: Task-Based User Test

Left: Click-thru Prototype

Key Learnings: Rapid, iterative testing & wireframing allows for flexibility, nimbleness and quick validation of ideas and layouts. Don't get too attached to your ideas because the product is for your customer, not you.


Mood & Design Direction

Setting the visual stage; design treatment was applied to the screens and micro-interactions were defined.


Above: Moodboard

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